Cie Desiré Davids
Company statement
To raise and promote the profile and the advancement of dance locally, nationally as well as internationally through the creation and presentation of new contemporary work, interventions in schools, the teaching of open classes and workshops and exchange with fellow artists in the field of performing arts, mixed media, visual arts etc.
More generally, to develop all activities directly or indirectly contributing to the above points.
The spirit of the company is based on exchange. The sharing of ideas, experiences as well as developing and broadening artistic approaches through collaborations and teaching.
Desiré Davids
Desiré Davids, Chorégraphe/Interprète
Chloe Hennemann
Romain Cappello
Sarah Cerneaux
Mohamed Kouadri-Sameut
Comédien David Johnson
Compositeur/Musicien : Benoit Bottex Matchume Zango
Créateurs/Régisseurs lumières:
Alexandre Martre & Erwann Collet

The Little House Productions
04 94 30 79 38
Communication /Diffusion
Valérie Rousseau : *brief
Pascale Béroujon 06 70 88 71 09
La compagnie KoKerBoom reçoit le soutien de la DRAC PACA, de la Région SUD, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur,
du Département du Var et de la Métropole TPM

© Cie Desiré Davids - All rights reserved / All images reserved - 2023